Okay, thank god for SSH and the ability to get complete control outside of this wonky wordpress interface. They did a nice job trying to get things going, but I find some of this stuff cumbersome. Though now with the ability to completely pull the page and customize it offline, i’m going to be able to complete rip this thing apart. We’ll see how bored I get and will try to do this. Though Fanime is coming up and i’m not sure if I have the patience and go through each line of code for php and find out what connects to what to edit out. It was an adventure already to get the copyright stuff to come out correct. Took me 15-20 mins to get things to appear right. Trying to experiment with the core attributes on this thing really takes a lot of your time, especially with the way they have the editor. So winscp is my savior along with notepad++. Could not have done this without you. Good bye clunky interface. Hello convenience of old-school!!!!!